Signs for Brookings Freedom Rallies

May be borrowed for out of town events

Available signs:
  • Images may be clicked for larger veiw (used browser back arrow to return)
  • check the check boxes for the signs you want
  • email the address in the list at bottom of page
  • #1 Don't Tread on Me: No Mandates : Medical Freedom
  • #2 United We Stand
  • #3 We The People with Statue of Liberety and Constitution
  • #4 God Wins
  • #5 We Worked Through The Pandemic With No vaccine. Now They Want To Fire Us.
  • #6 Forced Medical Procedures Have No Place In A Free Society
  • #7 It's Not About Pro or Anti Anything. It's About Freedom
  • #8 Mass Noncompliance Is the Only Way to End This
  • #9 You Can't Mandate Away My Freedom
  • #10 America Freedom
  • #11 Last Year's Heros This Year's Unemployed
  • #12 We the People Means All the People
  • #13 One Nation Under God
  • #14 Land of the Free Home of the Brave
  • #15 Freedom Thank a Veteran