Notes on 2024 National Corn Husking Contest: Hastings, IA

      The 2024 National Corn Husking Contest will be held Sunday October 20 at the Indian Creek Museum at 59256 380th Street, Hastings, Iowa. The Iowa state corn husking contest will be held there the day before.
1. Motel/hotel accommodations and other contest information
2. Early Registration for the banquet: $25 paid by October 19 vs. $35 at the door. (info copied September 15 into table below)
3. Order T-shirts.
4. If you have questions contact Jeff Christiansen at 712-542-0011 (that is his cell number). Jeff is also doing the T-shirts with a business number to order the shirts.

Banquet Information for Saturday, October 19th, 2024 (Meal & Entertainment)
Time: 5:30pm-7:30pm
Cost: $25.00 per person (prepaid by October 5th) ($35.00 at the door)
   Can send a check to: Circle C Signs, 2446 State Hwy 2, Clarinda, IA 51632
   Venmo: @circlecsigns and in the memo portion state who it is for
   Credit Card: Call Circle C Signs – 712-542-2174
Menu: Pork Chop, Green Beans with Bacon, Cheesy Potatoes, Drink, Dessert