HuskContestScore V0_032

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Input Output Other Control Description
A Input Class Number (defined in include file Classes.). When a vald number is input field B has the class name, field C has picking time, field D has a abbeviation of the class.
E Tells what inputs are needed yet to make a calculation. Or says "Have all inputs" when there is enough data to compute a net score and to save it.
F State
G First Name
H Last Name
I Scroll back in pick list. Fills field F, State; field G, First Name; & Field H, Last Name.
J Scroll ahead in pick list. Fills field F, State; field G, First Name; & Field H, Last Name.
K Fill with first letter (or more) of last name to move pick list. If no names starting with this letter Field L doesn't change
L Set by inputs I, J, & K.
M 8 input cells for barrel number. Barrel numbers and tare wieghts set by include file barrels.
N Tare weights of the inputted barrels.
O Sum of the barrel tare weights in N
P 8 input cells for gross weights of barrels ore groups of barrels.
Q Sum of the 8 cells in P.
R Net Weight (Q-O)
S Husk oz.
T % Husk Deduction
U Lb. Husk Deduction
V Lb. Gleanings
W Lb. Gleaning Deduction
X Total Deductions
Y Net Score
Z Clear Inputs
AA Togle whether to require that State be at least two letters long (National Contest) or that blank entries indicate home state (state contests).