ver 0.067 Poker Hand Ranking Program

    This program ranks poker hands

click image for larger view

screen shot of program

click image for larger view

Running the program

Quick Start

  1. start the program scorePoker_0_067.htm
  2. Notes this step isn't necessary. Type something into A. This program was deleoped for a poker shoot at a gun and archery range so pistol or archery will do.
  3. Press button E the clear button for the test area marked D.
  4. enter hand information into text area D
    • Each piece of data maybe in quotes, but it is not necessary
    • samples of data:
      • the list at the right
      • press the G button. To start it is recommended that list in D be deleted down to 5 or fewer lines to start
      • pres the random hand button H and/or the next stored button I a few times.
      • When using this program on information you wish to save: it is recommend that the input data be stored with a program like MS NotePad and copied into text area D.
      • Section Valid Hands and Card Representations has more information on representing cards and hands
          John,Doe,7h 3h 5h 4h 6h
    Micky,Mouse,9h qh jh 10h Ah
    Frank,Sinatra,jh 8d 7s 9s 8h
  5. Press F the process button to process the list in text area D to text area B
  6. This program, written in JavaScript, cannot save information. To save the results copy from text area B to a program like MS Windows' NotePad. When saved from there the results may be imported in a spreadsheet like MS Excel.

Program Controls

Valid Hands and Card Representations

    A valid hand representation is made up of exactly five valid card representations seperated by one or more spaces.
    A valid card representation is a value representation followed by a suit representation. These may be followed by a description which is very optional. A thought for the description is too have it for where a joker is wild and represents another card.\
  • 6C 5C 8D AH 7C
  • 4D QD KH 2D AC
  • Ah(joker) kh qh jh 10h
  • AH 9S 6D AS 9D
  • 2c 4s 10c 6c 7c
Value Representation Suit Representation Description(very optional)
2 to 9 face cards 2 to 9 h or H hearts     Can be anything as long as no spaces seperate if from value and suit representatioins.
    The program does nothing with this except ignores it.
    The thought on adding this is that a representation AH(joker) could be used to note that a joker was wild and chosen to be represented a an ace of hearts.
10 10 d or D diamonds
j or J Jack s or S spades
q or Q Queen c or C clubs
k or K King  
a or A Ace


Intended use

    The intend use for the results is that they be copied to a file editor, saved to a file (.txt), and then be uploaded to a spreadsheet for sorting.

Field Descriptions

Sample Output:"FirstName","LastName","QS 10H 6D 3H 3D",3090,5,605645,"pair",2,1,"from key" Field List:FirstName,LastName,Hand,primaryScore,secondaryScore,OverAllScore,combination,combinationNumber,2to,fromKey
  1. FirstName
  2. LastName
  3. Hand
  4. primaryScore wanted score < 216 (~64000)
  5. secondaryScore wanted score < 216 (~64000)
  6. OverAllScore = primaryScore*(14*14) + secondaryScore
  7. combination : runt,pair,two pair, etc.
  8. combinationNumber 1 for runt, 2 for pair, ..., 9 for straight flush
  9. 2to 2combinationNumber
  10. fromKey from field key (A on diagram)

Sample Output

result_067Data_500plus.txt is a comma seperated file that can be opened with a file editor, a web browser, or imported into a spreadsheet. It has about 570 lines of data and took a two year old computer about 15 seconds to process. The format of this file can be placed in this programs text area D and be used as input.
     sample_056Data_500plus.txt was used to create this file. But as mentioned the output can be used as input to get the same result except for lines that triggered error messages.

Error Messages

Prior versions