click images for larger views         The following describes a program for which I derived the algorithims and developed on my own time to solve a problem in a construction job. The project was the remodeling of an old school into apartment and offices. A parking garage was created in the basement.
          It was found that placing a trench drain before the garage door caused many cars to bottom out.
          This program runs in Mozilla/Firefox, but apparently not in Internet Explorer. Much of the output is script commands for IntellaCAD (an AutoCAD clone), which was used to produce the images shown here.
        It should be noted that this program was developed in a hurry to solve a specific problem.
icad/ProbArea_An.jpg icad/tst29a.jpg Shows Program will place tire tangent to correct surface.
icad/tst28a.jpg Car going up is bottoming out.
Larger rear wheels to help show direction.
icad/demo31.jpg demostration that wheels are tanget to correct surface