Online Corn Husking Contest Calculator -- Usage Short Summary

      This calculator will compute scores for corn husking, but as so far developed it doesn't yet display more than one score at a time. Nor does it sort and save them yet either. It's about 1/3 completed.
      It can be accessed by going to and clicking on Calculators and Demonstrations. It will be the first item in the list. (when the program reaches version 1.0 and possibly greater versions, the information there will be updated)

Figure 1: Actual output

Class Minutes Class
1 Girls 14 and under 10 F_14
2 Boys 14 and under 10 M_14
3 Girls 15 to 20 10 F15_20
4 Boys 15 to 20 10 M15_20
5 Women 75 and up 10 F75
6 Men 75 and up 10 M75
7 Women 21 to 49 20 F21_49
8 Men 21 to 49 20 M21_49
9 Women 50 and up 20 F50
10 Men 50 and up 20 M50
11 Women's Open 20 FOpen
12 Men's Open 30 MOpen
30 Three Person Pick 20 3Per
This is done in SD just for fun
Figure 2: Letters in cells correspond to lettering in Description and Cell Description

     This is pretty much self explanatory.
     The include files for the program have been updated updated with the barrel weights for the 2024 National Corn Husking Contest by Hastings, Iowa.
     If the barrel information had not been updated so that valid tare weights show in N1 to N8, just put the net weight (gross-tare) caluculated by other means into one of the cells P1 to P8.

     The [Clear All except Class] button does as the name says and clears out all the cells except call to be ready for another calculation.

     The Req State is also as the name says. Leaving the state cell blank in state contest caauses those entries to be sorted first.

     Description has information on updating barrel weights and the names in the pick lists.