- Corn Husking Contest Scoring Program - Note that this is version 0.032. It's about 1/3 done. It will compute results for 1 person at a time.
Eventually it will report results for multiple people, have a means for saving, and be able to import saved results.
INVOLVES PHP: Triangle Calculator and Graphing Tool
The description tells that the program is versatile
in accepting for input various combinations of length measurements of feet, inches, meters,
etc may be specified as well as just decimal input.
For angle measurements unlabeled inputs are taken as in degrees.
Anything with pi in it is considered to be in radians.
The php code is listed at the end of the description.
No longer graphs, may implement graphing using HTML canvas at some point. A change in php version for another project render graphing inoperable
- Andy's Algorithm for Mapping
- INVOLVES PHP: Directory Listing program that will call a "pretty print" program to list
file contents. Listing a link to the programs or their source code could cause a security problem. The program was used to list out the source code of the previously described
triangle program.
- Pet Grooming Calendar Input a number for a month 1-12 and a
number for a year say 2013. Gives a month calendar page with each date having the dates weekly up to 14 weeks out. Used by a pet groomer to schedule appointments.
The boundaries
of the image at right were drawn from latitude, longitude data from the Census Bureau using an
algorithm that I derived. A JavaScript calculator explains the
- Summary of a program to calculate where a car will "bottom out" on a entrance
ramp (of varying slopes) to a parking garage.
Algorithm to calculate layout of landscaping blocks in a circle to get a certain inner diameter
- Calculate volume of a truncated or full cone. Input feet and inches. For the cone ends measurements can be either the diameter or circumference. Computes cubic feet and bushels. Can be used with just decimal measurments put in for feet measurements.
- soiT066.htm Does fertilizer recommendation for Corn,Corn Silage, Beans, Wheat (use winter for all) Don't completely trust, haven't found errors, but..
plan to add other crops plan to add calculation of fert cost, plan to add crop value/cost considerations
- Aubrey's Multiplication Flashcard (mult1)
- St058.htm Input program for samples to be taken. Will convert township,section, and section corner to rural address.
- Change Counting Program
- TRIVIAL places values on letters in a word
- poker hand raking program
- function for Excel under consideration
- folllowing runs in browser
- NOTE program developed and tested only in Google Chrome browser version Version 39.0.2171.95 m
- description at desc_067.htm
- program scorePoker_0_067.htm
- older versions: